Dan Hollings The Plan Review By a Founding Member
Dan Hollings reveals his plan for financial liberation with crypto

Hello! Marcus Lim here, a founding member of Dan Hollings' The Plan, and in this review, I will share with you my personal journey with The Plan as well as my results since joining The Plan from the very beginning.
Recently, I was featured in the official trailer for The Plan, which you can watch below.
You'll notice I was wearing a 'wiggle' T-shirt because 'wiggling' is what The Plan is about :)
You see, in all that time, I've been...
Wiggling My Way To Wealth!
Dan Hollings himself said the same thing in the video:
"I've been doing nothing now for three years and it's brought in millions."
Is that not the definition of true passive income?
So how does it work?
First, a Question: Is crypto too chaotic?
The short answer is yes.
Just one single tweet from Elon Musk and the markets come crashing.
So no doubt about it, crypto is volatile and chaotic.
Which is why most people - even those who are right now bragging about their massive gains are ultimately going to lose money.
You see, most people, in the long term, just can’t win against their own psychology. Be it fear of missing out (FOMO), greed, or something happening in your life (which is very likely over a longer period of time), you’re going to either cash out at the wrong time or jump in at the wrong time.
On the other hand, chaos breeds opportunity.
A disclaimer...
Before we proceed, I want to tell you something. Not because I have to...but also because I have a responsibility to you.
None of this is financial or investment advice.
It is up to you to do your own due diligence and consult with a certified financial advisor or planner.
However, let me tell you this...if you can handle the chaos...and channel it the right way...the opportunity in front of us is huge - bigger than anything we've encountered so far online.
So, how do you deal with the chaos?
You need a plan. Before I get into the details of The Plan and the man behind it, let's dive a bit deeper into the world of crypto.
A (Very Brief) Rant About Crypto
Crypto has had massive adoption rate in recent times as both small and large international companies are adding crypto to their holdings, and some countries like El Salvador are even starting to accept crypto as a legal tender offical payment method.
Even billionaire entrepreneurs like Sir Richard Branson of Virgin announced that his commercial space flight venture will accept bitcoin as payment, describing it as "a new exciting currency."
As an aside, it is fascinating to be living in this particular moment in history, when we are on the cusp of a revolutionary transformation in the way we pay and receive money.
It may not look like it now, but in just a few years, crypto is set to be the future of money in addition to many areas of our lives. We are at the very early stages, so you are in the right place at the right time to be taking advantage of this shift towards a bold new world!
At the same time, I also understand the skepticism and fears of those who say that crypto may get destroyed or banned by the government.
Let's just get this objection out of the way because crypto is too far along for any one government to shut down. There was a time when it was purely a 'toy' asset for the geeks, but mainstream adoption from both companies and countries has pushed crypto to a point where there is no stopping it now.
To give a sense of the size of the market, crypto is a 2 trillion dollar industry.
As mentioned, crypto is currently backed by large corporations from both the financial space and elsewhere - consider this list of corporations who have jumped onto the bandwagon - AT&T, Microsoft, PayPal, Stripe, Overstock, Twitch, Virgin Atlantic, Norwegian Air, NameCheap, Gyft, Etsy, Shopify.
Consider just the king of crypto - Bitcoin - which by itself has a nearly $900 billion valuation.
At nearly $900 billion, Bitcoin is in fact the third largest currency in the world.
As such, if Bitcoin was a company, it would be bigger than Bank of America, Netflix, Disney, Shopify, PayPal, and Coca-Cola.
Indeed, it is already worth more than Bank of America, JP Morgan, and CITI put together.
And we are barely scratching the surface! It's still early days...
One of the most reliable Bitcoin prediction models is the Stock to Flow model by Plan B, a remarkably accurate model which predicts the price of Bitcoin since its introduction in 2009.

According to the chart, Bitcoin price has consistently shown an upward trend and is set to cross $100k by the end of 2021, and will eventually hit $1 million in just a few years!
Sounds crazy? Not that crazy when you consider it was only a few hundred dollars in 2013 (which you can see from the chart).
The astounding thing is that Bitcoin is young relatively speaking. Bitcoin is just over a decade old!
Bitcoin is literally digital gold because it has been experiencing leaps and bounds in terms of growth.

Indeed, Bitcoin has outperformed every other major asset class in the past decade.
All of this is to make the point that crypto is not a fad that will go away anytime soon. It is here to stay.
Yes, there are some who fear that it may suddenly go to zero or get shut down by governments.
The fact of the matter is that it is highly unlikely that something this big can just suddenly go to zero.
While it is true that governments can and have restricted the use of crypto most notably China (to be fair, crypto is just one of many things restricted in China), it is just as true that governments like El Salvador have embraced Bitcoin enthusiastically and adopted it as legal tender.
Of course, anything is possible, just like anything in life, but it's highly unlikely for Bitcoin to drop to zero.
A good comparision is to think of big stocks like Amazon or Google. Can they suddenly drop to $0.00? Highly unlikely!
Investing always carries risk of course, so just as in any form of investing, only invest what you can afford to lose!
Another common question is where does crypto derive its value from? Who actually controls it?
This is actually the beauty of crypto - there is no one central organization or individual that controls it. It is decentralized, and this means no one controls it.
The millions of individuals who use crypto like you and me are the ones who actually provide the value.
This concept of decentralization takes us to the discussion of the BLOCKCHAIN, which is the infrastructure that drives crypto. It is a ledger that is digital and open to the public, providing true transparency and preventing any possibility of tampering. This is because once an entry is added to the ledger, it is permanent and non reversible. At the same time, it is also distributed amongst multiple computers on the network, adding another layer of security.
As mentioned, this 'decentralization' made possible by the blockchain is the reason why crypto is so unique, in the sense that nobody owns or controls it.
Consider how different this is from the modern stock market exchanges or banks in the world today. All these entities have people behind them, and of course, people have agendas and will often work to manipulate things to suit their agenda.
With a decentralized system, manipulation is not possible. The blockchain is a permanent, unchangeable record for all to see.
Will You Be a Part of The Revolution?
Visionaries see things that we don't. A lot of people fear what they do not understand and therefore resist it. However, consider this, there are a lot of things in life that you don't understand but you don't let it stop you from utilizing it. For instance, you don't need to understand how electricity works to turn on the light, and you certainly don't need to know how the internet really works to use the computer to send email. Crypto is set to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, whether we want it to or not, and whether we understand it or not.
Don't fear it, embrace it. Embrace the future!
Just over 10 years ago, the visionaries knew that we would one day be using smart phones in our everyday lives, but the majority of people could not have imagined it. In the same way, this is what crypto will be like in our future, it will come upon us without warning, unless of course, you are prepared for it. The question is, do you want to part of the action now? Or wait like the masses and miss out on the 'first mover advantage'? Will you be part of what Michael Saylor (MicroStrategy CEO and Bitcoin billionaire) calls "a once in a 1000 year opportunity"?
If so, read on and find out what in my opinion, is the BEST and SAFEST way to get a piece of the action.
With that, let me introduce you to another visionary - Dan Hollings.
Meet Dan Hollings
Dan Hollings has been in the business of teaching people how to make money online for over a decade.

Many people think Dan is one of the top marketers on the planet. Some people point to the $300 million dollar mega-hit movie/book "The Secret" that Dan along with a little help from Oprah helped launch some years ago.
Literally hundreds of thousands have learned marketing from Dan and over 20,000 Amazon sellers have attended his coaching programs.
How did Dan become so skilled at marketing, copywriting, making videos, photoshop, programming, design, music, and so much more?
In his own words,
"I was too cheap to hire help, so I taught myself!"
All kidding aside, Dan really is self taught. He loves to figure things out, make money, then teach others.
He has spent the last couple of years digging deep to crack the crypto code, so that he could not only make a boatload of money for himself, but simplify the process so that he could teach others to replicate his approach and make money too.
It had to be step-by-step, easy, and safe for sure. It needed to require minimal skills (most people are not skilled at trading) and it needed to be at least 80% automated (most people have other things to do).
What he's come up with is a plan - indeed, the plan for financial liberation that is largely unknown to the masses.
The results from early adopters of his plan have been astonishing and life changing, to say the least.
Today there's people from over 100 countries who've joined The Plan by Dan Hollings.

But let's backtrack a bit to the beginning of this amazing jorney...
How The Plan Got Started
The story goes that back in early 2017, one of Dan's good friends Tony reached out to Dan to tell him to get into the crypto space. At first, Dan was not interested, however due to Tony's persistence, Dan finally bought a little bit of Bitcoin. Well, after that, Dan was hooked, because the price of Bitcoin kept going up and up.
However, things took a turn for the worse. As quickly as Dan made his Bitoin money, he also lost it all. You see, Dan did not have a clear 'plan' at the time about what he was doing, so he bought into 'FOMO' - fear of missing out - so he was simply buying whatever was 'hot' as the time. Suffice to say, it didn't work out well.
Instead of giving up though, Dan was determined to crack the code on crypto. Dan tried everything that was out there - YouTube gurus, chased moonshots, programmed indicators. But none of these methods resulted in long term sustained results, until one day he stumbled onto something promising, which Dan continued to tinker and experiment in order to turn it into something better and better over time.
Fast forward 3 years and a few million dollars of testing, Dan Hollings' The PLAN was born.
However, you may be surprised to know that Dan had no intention of teaching it to the world.
He was quite content to just relax and let the system produce passive income on autopilot.

But that was when another of Dan's friends Elaine Wilkes reached out to Dan as she wanted to get into crypto herself.
Dan remembered his own horrible experience with crypto and so he tried to talk her out of it. But Elaine wouldn't take no for an answer, and so Dan relented, and started to show her The Plan in action. So she started doing it herself, and amazingly she also started getting amazing results.

Elaine of course, had to tell others about it. One of their mutual friends Daniel Hall learnt about it and so he got on a call with Dan to learn about The Plan. Not long after, Daniel was also doing The Plan himself, and getting great results too.
Word started to spread - it was too good not to! So one by one, members of Dan's inner circle learnt about it and started to get great results from it, and it was so good that they encouraged Dan to share it with more and more people.
Here's Dan and Tony and Elaine, telling the story in their own words:

Eventually, two of Dan's long time business partners - Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos got on board, and before long, they were promoting it through their company Rapid Crush Inc, bringing in early adopters.
That was the point where I came into the story, as I was fortunate to be one of these early adopters.
What follows is a timeline of The Plan - so you can see very clearly where I came into the picture.